I am refreshing my page. I really like all the neat new stuff you can add, however, it just serves to clutter I'm afraid. So after about half an hour of adding stuff, I decided to delete it all. Almost all, I made a few minor changes.
As this term draws to a close and I sit at my desk *ahem* studying, I am already fantasizing about what the next two and a half weeks of freedom and bliss will bring. How will I fill my days? Let me see....
I am vowing to update my blogs more reliably. (Also to keep up with yours as well!)
I am going to organize my 'want to reads' in order of greatest desire.
I am going to scan photos, negatives, and organize prints.
I will scrapbook.
I am going to get back together with Flylady. (I mean it this time)
I am going to change my children's attitude, behavior, and character by Friday. (with the help of Kevin Lehman)
I am going to have brunch with my girlfriends.
I am going to have a Sex and The City night with my girlfriends.
I am going to clean my house from top to bottom.
I will organize everyone's sock drawer.
I am going to have a 6th birthday party for my son.
I am going to Quebec for a week to celebrate my husband turning 40.
And maybe spend a little time prepping for the next term.
All in all, I am looking forward to a relaxing time.