
Thursday, June 19, 2008

vags and bags

The META lab is over. Meaning- the pelvic and testicular exams are done. It was as bad as I anticipated, but in different and creepy ways that I did not anticipate. We split up into groups, then 6 at a time we went into an exam room to do the deed. The first was the testicle. 6 women in the room with one male instructor/model. He was the one telling us how to do it all the while holding up his gown- "more pressure when you squeeze the shaft" and "roll the testicle between your fingers". I swear. To make things even more gross, there was an air of inappropriateness because of the behavior of a few students. I am sure they were just nervous, but the instructor did little to maintain control/restore a clinical and professional atmosphere and it escalated the creepiness and made a couple of us extremely uncomfortable. It made doing the exam very difficult.

ok, so then we move on from that trauma to the pelvic. we have an instructor as well as the model/instructor and they were both women. A little better. But not much. I try to dissociate and complete the exam. Finally after almost 4 hours of hearing about sexual abuse, testicles, uteruses, trim pubic hair, and looking for lesions and wildlife, we are freed.

The last 2 days have been with our psych class and psych lectures. We have learned all about clinicals, the theory portion of the class, expectations..... Today a recent graduate visited us at lunch so we could ask her questions and she could tell us what it's really like.

"the worst year of my life" she emphatically declares.

I cry. (jk)

She echoes what the instructors are saying. We haven't seen nothin' yet.

I have often told the tale of the boy who cried wolf to my children, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes not so subtle. I have always wanted to help them to discern what was important to be told and what wasn't, especially in terms of complaining, tattling, and the like. I just want to apologize for all the whining have done up to this point because I now feel that it has been premature. I was sort of hoping that once I got to this point it would become so interesting and exciting that I wouldn't even notice that I was doing work. The recent grad said "double it" in reference to our last class with this instructor and the difficulty level.

I have possibly "the worst year of my life" ahead of me.

So also let me apologize in advance for all the whining sure to come.



  1. Pleeeeease, don't apologize for whining - it makes me feel like I'm not the only one who thinks they may be drowning from time to time. (Plus, you're funny as heck when you're ranting!) :)

    Once again, though, I'm thinking -yes, this is why I'm in psyc and in no way connected with nursing! The social worker and I are always catching each other's eyes during some particualrly graphic portions of our weekly inter-disciplinary group reports and just nodding to each other squeamishly...

  2. whine away....I cannot even begin to comprehend what you are going through, but I do know that the thought of handling someone elses testicles totally grosses me out! AND, I just got what the "vags & bags" was. EWWWW

    And if you saw balls & jungles today, and they still say "you ain't seen nothing yet", then I will pray mightily (??) for you! But, I know that you will do this with gusto and do it well!

  3. Well, I'm glad I read this after I posted my huge long whine fest! Makes me feel better! :)

    Remember, that person might have had the worst year of her life, but she did not have the superior intellect, wonderful support system of friends & family, and the ability to wade through anything like you do! You'll make it look like a piece of cake! :)

    Love ya! hurry home!

    P.S. I did NOT need to know exactly how to perform a testicular exam, you know! :)

  4. loved this post...and the title. You are so clever. Celebrating with you that this part is over!!

  5. Oh my gosh! You poor thing! We're going to have to treat you for PTSD! My suggestion is a few hundred cc's of wine, not whine. What was the wine you were sipping at the Iron Chef? Oh wait, maybe not that one ;0. I am so proud of you, you are very brave! You ole smarty pants. I know you can do anything. Now hurry up and get home, I miss you!
